This is the place to come!
Thank you
2020 memorial talk outline..
This is the place to come!
Thank you
can someone please help me with this, if you’ve looked into it before?.
i read somewhere that the witnesses didn’t celebrate the memorial on nisan 14 according to the jewish calendar.
i did a quick google check - seems next years memorial is on tuesday (nisan 13) rather than the wednesday, nisan 14 according to the jewish calendar.
Shouldn t we all use the sighting at at Jerusalem? They didnt have time zones
They do use Jerusalem these days, years ago it was when the first sliver of the new moon could be seen over New York!
i had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in new addington are for sale.
price being asked £3.5 million.. every witness in london worked on that site.
am in shock.
I do feel for this guy and even more so for all the other congregants that now have to travel miles to their KH and suffer all the problems of parking restrictions etc.
However, the real people to blame are all the Elders that signed the deeds over to the Kingdom Hall Trust back in 2014. As Trustees of the Congregation Charity their priority is to work for the benefit of that charity and signing away all the assets could hardly be called that! The Charity Commission don't seem too interested in such cases however. I wonder if this guy was an Elder and thus part of the problem. In any case I suspect after a video such as this his time as a JW will be limited either because he will walk or he will be disfellowshipped, same outcome either way.
Back in 2014 I told an Elder this in my congregation that this action would come back to bite him. He told me that even if all the elders refused the WT Society would remove them and replace them with enough compliant Elders to get the job done. I'm sure he was correct.
i'd like to start off this post by saying, we all know that the wt loves control.
it's clear by their history, their wt's, the elder arrangement and so on.
however, after witnessing and using the publish id program in person, it takes this need for control to a whole new level & it was scary.. if you've ever seen builder assist (the website program used for ldc volunteers) or the metro program, it actually looks pretty similar to that.
I refused to sign the Data Protection disclaimer. I never received any hassle for this whatever but I am not an MS or Elder these days. I am an odd ball however.
there will be an update/change in the od book coming soon.
i have it on good word that this change in the od book has already been pushed out & notified to the “higher ups”.
newwww light!.
Not a publication that is used much these days, probably because it's all writing and no pictures.
I suppose the accounts section will need to be rewritten in view of the recent changes.
every single watchtower soldier lied to god out of fear of the brooklyn popes..
Not until I came across this site 12 years ago.
I have learned so much here.
when was that first preached , with the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules ,the 1970`s ?
where they claimed that false religion had a fall in 1919 and that it was continuing to that day .
however today we see not babylon the great that is falling ,but the jehovah`s witnesses religion that are on the decline ,selling off branches , kingdom halls in one place after another throughout the earth .. and only a couple of years ago they were predicting they would be needing thousands of kingdom halls to be built for the expected influx of new worshippers ?
That hefty tome "Babylon the Great has fallen - God's Kingdom rules" was released in 1963. I placed a few of those but never got much response when returning (Back calls!). Not the most readable text and today's dumbed down JW's wouldn't have a clue. Maybe if they made it into a Caleb & Sophie video...…..
it's very odd that the jan. 2020 watchtower was nearly 3 weeks later than normal.
another odd thing about this watchtower is that it has two articles (about the anointed) that is very similar to two articles they wrote only four years earlier.the fact that they have even reprinted two articles that are only four years old suggests that they continue to have numerous problems surrounding their teaching's of the anointed and problems with those claiming to be are a few of the differences between both the 2016 and 2020 articles -2016 watchtower states.
anointed christians need to be taught by jehovah just like everyone else.. 2020 watchtower statesof course, anointed christians need to be taught by jehovah through the congregation just like everyone else.. four years ago, they acknowledged that it was only jehovah who were teaching the anointed but the newest watchtower now states that it is through the congregation.watchtower 2016 states there will be 144,000 ruling with jesus in heaven.
Evidently the number of partakers is up again this year.
i saw this mentioned on reddit but no link - i found the article form this weeks bible study..... in the “congregation bible study” part of the meeting this week there was a part that said and i quote: “only jehovah god and his son can receive someone into the heavenly kingdom or the paradise on earth under that kingdom.
we should diligently cultivate friendship with them by using what material riches we have in supporting kingdom interests”.
“Only Jehovah God and his Son can receive someone into the heavenly Kingdom or the Paradise on earth under that Kingdom. We should diligently cultivate friendship with them by using what material riches we have in supporting Kingdom interests”
Like so many I was surprised/shocked at that. However, I checked it against the old 1991 "Greatest Man" book and it was word for word the same back then. Guess I was just coasting then!
2019--prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--10-14--follow up tp prison witnessing training seminar.
2019--example notice to cease and desist for congregation2019--example notice to cease and desist for watchtower2019--guide to configuring kingdom hall audio and video system computer-s-132-e2019--example midweek meeting schedule-s-140-e2020--example year text-yt20-eall are in this zipped folder atlantis!
Many thanks Atlantis.
As regards the "Do Not Call", is that an old file? I did not think 25 Columbia Heights to be a current address for the WT Society.